Flower Arranging


Flower Arranging

Now is a perfect time to practise flower arranging. Especially if you have a garden full of blooms. 

It is also a wonderful way to make the house feel fresh, without having to do much. Whether you pick your flowers or buy them, here are a few tips for flower arranging. Read more

Chocolate biscuits


Moorish Chocolate Biscuits

Easy to make and easy to eat. (Far too easy to eat!). These chocolate biscuits are great with a cup of tea or hot chocolate. And easy enough to make with children. We made them with dark chocolate powder, but if you want them a little lighter, you can use different, milk chocolate powder or dip them in white or milk chocolate.  Read more

Ethical Fashion

Ethical Fashion

Ethical and sustainable fashion are becoming increasingly mainstream. With sustainable fashion even being championed by the BAFTAs. And big brands are using eco fabrics. There is still a long way to go, but the fact ethical fashion is being talked about across medias can only be a good thing.  Read more

Apricot Brioche Buns 


Apricot brioche buns

A beautiful sweet bread that tastes delicious eaten as a sweet treat or wrapped around a savoury burger (meat of vegan depending on your preference) This is a basic brioche recipe which can be adjusted on how you want to use it.

Once the dough has been proved and re-kneaded, this is when you can ‘customise’ it. 

Decide on the shape you want it. You can make it into bread bun shapes or put it in a tin (or do what we have done and pop them in cake tins or case like we have (we used silicon muffin cases).  

Decide if you want them plain or with added ingredients. We added chopped apricots, but you can add chocolate chips or anything else as long as you don’t add to much and the pieces aren’t too bad.  Read more

Lockdown Learning

Now is a great time to start learning something new, if you haven’t already started (or are looking for the next thing to learn). Here are a few ideas, all based on arts and craft (all online). Read more

Small Business Supporters

Small Business Supporters

We just wanted to give a little shout out to a few of the people, brands and movements who have helped support, encourage, influence and help us. Read more

Chocolate Brioche Twist – Bake


Chocolate Brioche Twist 

Our take on Babka bread. It is great comfort food, but not the easiest recipe we have shared. Good luck and find us on Instagram if you want help.  Read more





If you have followed us for a while, you will know, we love bees! Honey, bumble and solitary. We have now been supporting, and with your help raising money for, the Bumblebee Conservation Trust for over three years. With at least 10% from our bee products going to charity.

Read more

In the Garden February


In the Garden February

Spring is coming, can you feel it? With Spring comes a lot more to do in the garden. Now is when early seeds such as sweet peas and bluebells need sowing now. 

Early Spring plants often do their own thing. Snowdrops and crocus unfold add add colour to the garden, providing food for early bumblebees and other insects, before delicately disappearing and leaving space for late spring flowers. Daffodils are currently peeping out too ( they need a bit more care as they need to be deadheaded to allow more energy to go to the bulb after the flower is over.) 

It is also a good time to plan what you want in your garden later in the year. So you can plant out seeds and seedlings at the right time.


Sweet Peas (a favourite of mine) can be sown either inside in a cool room, or under a cloche outside. And hardy annuals and some other plants such as Lilies can be sewn in pots.


Wisteria, hardy evergreen hedges, conservatory climbers, winter flowering shrubs which have finished for the year.


February can be a mix of weather and frost is likely, so it is important to protect seeds and blossom (such as peach blossom) from cold snaps.


Chit potato tubers, prepare vegetable beds and some vegetable seeds can be sown at this time of year too (check the packets if you are unsure).

Instagram – @la.juniper       Twitter – @homeofjuniper      Pinterest – @lajuniper1      Facebook – @lajuniper

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There are many different versions of self care and wellness. Looking after your mind, body and soul. One, which is often forgotten, is being grateful. It is something that can sound obvious or contrite. But there are many people who agree that remembering what you are thankful for can have a positive impact on you as well as the people around you.  Read more