Gardening…but a little more eco – pest control


Gardens can help relieve our anxiety, create homes for wildlife and be an extension of our homes. But over the years chemicals became the norm for getting rid of pests. Here we are looking at a few ways to protect your favourite plants while protecting nature as well. 

terracotta-snail-water-spike in-plant-pot

Plant Care

A healthy plant, like a healthy human, will fight off pests and disease better. Therefore the first point of call is to make sure your plants are as healthy as possible. To do this make sure they are planted in the right space (with the right light, moisture levels and soil type.) Make sure the are watered when necessary. You can use our terracotta water spikes to help with this. 

And if there are any problems move the plants away from others they may infect, and make sure you keep your garden equipment disinfected. Also make sure any diseased plants or cuttings from diseased plants are disposed of properly. 

More plants !

One fantastic way to protect your plants from some pest…buy more plants! Carnivorous plants are a great way to limit pests, including flies and mosquitos, without harming the environment. Indoor carnivorous plants such as Drosera are great ways to rid the house of mosquitos and soil gnats or fruit flies. Drosera are quite simple to keep, though they do need to remain moist at all times to make sure they are sticky enough to catch the pesky pests (rain water only). And they do need special soil when they are repotted. Drosera are indoor plants, but you can put them out during the day in summer to ensure they have enough food. There are outdoor carnivorous plants too, check out – Hampshire Carnivorous Plants (where our Drosera are from). 


hedgehog in clover

Hedgehog in clover

Bring in the animals

Predators of pests is another great way to get rid of pests, the best one depends which pest you have. But the RHS now suggests leaving at least some green fly on plants (as long as they aren’t over run) to encourage ladybirds – these lovely creatures turn up slightly later than the greenfly but will munch their way through them. Greenfly are also a great food source for other animals like spiders and birds. You can also encourage animals like hedgehogs in, by giving them safe spaces to hide or sleep, and making sure there are gaps in your boundaries so they can get in and out of your garden, you can also feed them when there is less food around for them. They will eat slugs and other pests in return.

Pets can be good pest control too, chickens and ducks will eat most pests including greenfly, slugs and ticks. But they are not fussy, so they will eat anything that stands still long enough, and that can include plants, so seedlings and favourites do need protecting (mine ate half my Sea holly this year!)

Nematodes are also great for inside or outside plant protection, you just need to make sure you get the right nematodes for the right job. 



Barriers for pests can include copper and wool for slugs, netting for rabbits. There is mixed reviews on these but any is worth a try. Also moving any disease or pest ridden plant away from others to protect your other plants is very important.

Companion Planting

Companion planting is just what it sounds like. Planting friends for your plants – another chance for more plant purchasing. The aim is to grow plants pests hate next to the plant that you are trying to protect. Examples including planting garlic plants in between rows on the vegetable patch. Many pests are put off by the scent of garlic so will avoid the area, thereby protecting your plants naturally.

Or growing plants that pest predators love next to your favourite plants – for example hoverflies love fennel flowers (they are pretty flowers too) and they also eat pests like greenfly. So if you let fennel plants flower you are encouraging natural pest control.


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Gardening for Nature


Did you watch any of the Chelsea Flower Show this year, or were you lucky enough to visit? Nature took a front row feature this year, with multiple show gardens highlighting the importance. It seems a silly thing to highlight in gardening, but over the years chemicals and perfection have made what should be havens into uninhabitable places for creatures. It can be hard to get out of the mindset of planting only your favourite plants and attacking any aphid that arrives, but for the past few years we have tried to increase the naturalisation of our garden. Here are a few things we did to help.

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Spring is here – helping wildlife

Spring is here – helping wildlife recover from hibernation

Spring is here, the clocks change soon. Birds are starting to sing more as they start to nest and bees, butterflies and hedgehogs are all starting to come out of hibernation. Here are a few tips on making your garden friendly for nature. Read more

Flower Arranging


Flower Arranging

Now is a perfect time to practise flower arranging. Especially if you have a garden full of blooms. 

It is also a wonderful way to make the house feel fresh, without having to do much. Whether you pick your flowers or buy them, here are a few tips for flower arranging. Read more

In the Garden February


In the Garden February

Spring is coming, can you feel it? With Spring comes a lot more to do in the garden. Now is when early seeds such as sweet peas and bluebells need sowing now. 

Early Spring plants often do their own thing. Snowdrops and crocus unfold add add colour to the garden, providing food for early bumblebees and other insects, before delicately disappearing and leaving space for late spring flowers. Daffodils are currently peeping out too ( they need a bit more care as they need to be deadheaded to allow more energy to go to the bulb after the flower is over.) 

It is also a good time to plan what you want in your garden later in the year. So you can plant out seeds and seedlings at the right time.


Sweet Peas (a favourite of mine) can be sown either inside in a cool room, or under a cloche outside. And hardy annuals and some other plants such as Lilies can be sewn in pots.


Wisteria, hardy evergreen hedges, conservatory climbers, winter flowering shrubs which have finished for the year.


February can be a mix of weather and frost is likely, so it is important to protect seeds and blossom (such as peach blossom) from cold snaps.


Chit potato tubers, prepare vegetable beds and some vegetable seeds can be sown at this time of year too (check the packets if you are unsure).

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Garden Time | Gardening in July

Gardening in July

July is a beautiful time of the year. It is the time when the garden is blooming and you get to see out of the plants and flowers you spent all spring tending.  Read more

Garden Time – May

Our tips for looking after your garden in May. Including getting your vegetables ready and what to plant. Happy Gardening lovely people.

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Build your own hedge fund…. from as little as £5 investment

Build your own hedge fund In this fast paced, financially driven world, money seems to be the ultimate goal for most. What to invest in, where to put your money, what is the best return for your buck?

This simple, straightforward guide on investing in a ‘hedge’ fund will guide you through:

  • What to invest in.
  • The benefits of a ‘hedge’ fund.
  • The returns on your ‘hedge’ fund. Read more

April Gardening – Seeds, Weeds and More

April is when gardens start to bloom. Embracing spring and growth. This means it is one of the busiest months for gardening. Sowing seeds, weeding and starting to keep on top of the grass again. Read more