In the Garden February
Spring is coming, can you feel it? With Spring comes a lot more to do in the garden. Now is when early seeds such as sweet peas and bluebells need sowing now.
Early Spring plants often do their own thing. Snowdrops and crocus unfold add add colour to the garden, providing food for early bumblebees and other insects, before delicately disappearing and leaving space for late spring flowers. Daffodils are currently peeping out too ( they need a bit more care as they need to be deadheaded to allow more energy to go to the bulb after the flower is over.)
It is also a good time to plan what you want in your garden later in the year. So you can plant out seeds and seedlings at the right time.
Sweet Peas (a favourite of mine) can be sown either inside in a cool room, or under a cloche outside. And hardy annuals and some other plants such as Lilies can be sewn in pots.
Wisteria, hardy evergreen hedges, conservatory climbers, winter flowering shrubs which have finished for the year.
February can be a mix of weather and frost is likely, so it is important to protect seeds and blossom (such as peach blossom) from cold snaps.
Chit potato tubers, prepare vegetable beds and some vegetable seeds can be sown at this time of year too (check the packets if you are unsure).
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