Fashion Brands That Do More

Fast fashion and fast fashion alternatives have been in the news a lot recently. Here are a few of our Favourite clothing and accessories brands that do a little more. Whether it is in how the items are made, the charities the brand is linked to or why the brand was created:  Read more

Bees in Autumn


Have you noticed less bee buzzing around you garden? Their gentle hum seems to have nearly disappeared now. We spoke to our charity partners, The Bumblebee Conservation Trust about what happens to bees at this time of the year, and what we can do to help them during their quiet time. Read more

Renovating a Nightmare | Interview

Have you ever renovated a house, or is renovating or designing a house something you just daydream about? Renovating a home always sounds glamorous. Getting to chose all the tiny details of your home while working around the history of the house… but it is something that can also be a little bit of a nightmare. We spoke to the Allens about their beautiful but troublesome renovations. Read more

In Conversation with a Wedding Photographer | Weddings

Wedding season may be coming to a close, but weddings continue all year. We spoke to wedding photographer Charlotte Heather-Cray about what inspired her to become a wedding photographer and what her favourite thing is about her job. It also gave us a chance to look at some of her beautiful images.

In Conversation with Deborah Rodriguez | Author


The first Deborah Rodriguez book I read was The Little Coffee Shop of Kabul. It was given to me by my grandmother because she knew I love to read and travel. What makes it an even more fitting gift is the undercurrents of women empowering women that runs through the book. Each of Deborah’s books is set in exotic places and she writes in a way that makes you are there. We were luckily enough to be able to ask Deborah about her books, her inspiration and the travels she has been on.  Read more

Makers Stories | Lynn Fox



We first met Lynn Fox at a fair, her work stood out straight away and we have been selling a collection of her ceramics since this time last year. Each piece is unique and has its own beauty. We asked Lynn for a short video to show how she throws her pot, and asks her a little bit more about the process. Read more