
As the sound of Auld Lang Syne fades and we start settling into 2017, we have to shimmy through January. January is the month universally acknowledged to be the worst in the year. It is cold, Christmas is over, you have eaten too much and you have written a list of resolutions you don’t really want to keep… With this in mind we are dedicating our first blog post of the year to the best parts of January.
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I would like to start with a bit of an introduction to my small business and by saying that La Juniper wasn’t just named because of a love of gin (though, I do love gin!).

La Juniper has arisen from a love of gift giving, homes and craftsmanship (or craftwomanship), and the belief that it could be fun to spread this love a little further…

However, I want La Juniper to be more than just gift giving and home decor; I want it to be a company that gives a little more, and helps the world go round with a bit of positivity. This is why we are supporting designers and small businesses in the UK and ethical businesses from further afield. We are going to concentrate not just on the beauty of the products that we sell…but also the stories and the people behind them.

As well as supporting our producers and designers, we will be supporting charities, starting in January (We are very excited!) Read more