Winning as a Mummy |

Motherhood can be amazing, but it can also be hard and sometimes lonely. Especially if you feel like everyone else is always amazing at and enjoying the experience. To encourage people to talk more about the hard parts of motherhood, Emma from Isabella and Us, has started a great campaign, starting on the 5th May. And we spoke to her to find out a little more about it:

Why did you start the #winningasamummy campaign?

I started the #winningasamummy campaign back in May last year. From my own experiences of motherhood, having become a mother in Dec 2017 I found that the reality of parenthood is so often not talked about.

I realised that quite often we become focused on what we haven’t done or achieved in a day rather than what we have. And we think about what we have achieved whether that’s something small or something big it really can help our mindset.

Did your experience in parenting influence you starting it?

Most definitely. I really struggled with the transition into motherhood and spent a lot of time at the start feeling guilty for not doing certain things, like having my husbands tea ready when he got home. That negative mindset left me in a really bad place. My husband came home one day and asked what I had done and I gave him this massive list and that’s where ‘winning as a mummy’ cane from.

What you hope it achieves?

I really hope that the campaign I am running this year will reach more Mums and help them feel less alone and remind them they are doing amazing! We all need that little reminder that we are doing amazing and celebrating our daily wins can massively help that!

To get involved in the campaign simply share your hot (though probably lukewarm) cup of tea/coffee with your daily win and use the #winningasamummy during the week 5-12th May.


To join in the campaign use the hashtag #winningasamummy. You can also find some of Isabella and Us’ lovely winning as a mummy and winning as a daddy badges on our site.

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